task queue

英 [tɑːsk kjuː] 美 [tæsk kjuː]

网络  任务队列; 任务列队; 正在工作队列



  1. The second consumer gets the lock ( it can proceed because it was notified) and tries to work a task, but now the queue is empty.
  2. With a task queue per CPU, work can be balanced given the measured load of all CPUs in the system.
  3. Fine-grained tasks in conventional thread pools can also generate excessive contention for the task queue shared among all workers.
  4. One consumer gets the lock, works the task, and leaves the queue empty.
  5. Before removing a task from the queue, the work() method checks to see if it is empty and if so, waits.
  6. Additionally, pass in a task_queue and a done_queue, which serve as a way to synchronize and protect data coming into the process pool and out of the process pool.
  7. Another common threading model is to have a single background thread and task queue for tasks of a certain type.
  8. In the event the thread's task queue is empty, it then tries to steal another task off the tail of another thread's deque.
  9. This paper studies on a typical parallel computation and communication pattern, known as task queue pattern, and implements the pattern in a pattern-based parallel programming environment.
  10. A new data structure for message is given, then designed task message queue and sub-task message queue which are made up of different messages and completely independent.
  11. These tasks are still sitting in the task queue in cloud storage where the loader put them.
  12. The real-time performance is improved by establishing a real-time task queue and executing a task rotation priority scheduling algorithm.
  13. Two key technologies, i.e., process definition converting and process automation execution, are implemented in three modules, i.e., Information Converting Module, Workflow Engine Module, and Task Queue Management Module.
  14. Deploy the MDS, which can monitor the real-time nodes information of the hardware, task queue status, data transmission and the list of service in the containers.
  15. In the implementation of DVB-CI on DVB decoder, Finite State Machine theory is deployed to analyze the communication protocol. Then specific mechanisms such as task and message queue in real-time OS are utilized to realize communication between PCMCIA card and Host.
  16. Based on the theories of task interlock and job queue, an efficient method for constructing macropipeline parallel algorithms is presented, and a set of linear and nonlinear macropipeline parallel algorithms for data signal processing are designed.
  17. The main program is managed by a task queue that can achieve and answer external input signal in time.
  18. At last, a timer module is developed, in order to implement a asynchronous response for those high delayed tasks through a scheduled task queue, and make it possible for those tasks to re-send package under expiration situation.
  19. Linux ′ s kernel source code, its architecture, process scheduler, task queue, synchronization, system timer are analyzed in great detail.
  20. Then put forward on the basis of the cluster load balancing algorithm that is feedback dynamically and asked for task queue dispatcher's algorithm in characteristic based on this comprehensive existing algorithm of model.
  21. And the data verification module in the task queue management and thread pool management of the design ideas.
  22. Secondly, to optimize the performance of the prototype system, a scheduling optimization algorithm was proposed for multi-user requests based on task queue merging.
  23. Every task is assigned a weight which is based on the two factors and the weight affects the location of the task in queue.
  24. In data packet level parallelization, we improve the lock granularity of PCB-queue. Eliminate the lock operation in task queue of PCB by MS-queue algorithm.
  25. The operator gets tasks from task queue.
  26. This paper puts the real-time and unloaded tasks into update task queue, and puts query tasks submitted by users into query tasks queue.
  27. To implement task preemption in multi-priority queues, Concurrent Task Processing based on Multi-priority Queue allocates an independent stack for each task queue, which also reduces the memory overhead caused by context switches.
  28. By monitoring task queue and resource usage, simulation tasks and resources are automatically managed. Thereby it will increase the system availability, scalability and compatibility, and full use of limited resources, improving performance while reducing power consumption.
  29. The system performance of a manufacturing system queuing network might be affected by number of service station, regularity of workpiece arrival, rule of task queue and service rate for each service station.